Alpine Pearls press information

Welcome to the Alpine Pearls press page.

Stay up to date!

On the following pages, you’ll find all the information you might need as a member of the press if you’re interested in eco-mobility, the Pearls, or Alpine Pearls as an EGTC and organisation.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH

Press releases and image library.

On the Alpine Pearls press page, you’ll find a comprehensive collection of press releases. We also provide you with an image library that contains high-quality images for your articles and reports. You can conveniently access the image library at any time to download the desired pictures for editorial use. Please observe the applicable copyright regulations.

If you require any further information, have interview questions, or would like to contact specific people, you’ll also find links to our points of contact. We are always happy to answer your questions or arrange interviews and briefings.

We’re delighted by your interest in Alpine Pearls and wish to ensure that you receive all the information you need as quickly and easily as possible, thereby contributing to your transparent and open reporting about Alpine Pearls. Thank you for your work.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH