The Alpine Pearls press centre.

The latest news and updates from the Alpine Pearls world.

As an EGTC, it’s important for us to share our latest developments, successes, and important events with the press and the public. Transparent, honest reporting is therefore of great value to us. The press release page offers you a convenient, central source where you can get all relevant information about Alpine Pearls, the individual Pearls, and eco-mobility. Whether you’re a journalist, editor, or just interested in Alpine Pearls as an organisation, you’ll find all the most important information straight from us here.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH

Press releases.

Our press releases are regularly updated and offer you insights into our current projects, innovations, events, and much more. We’re glad to keep you up to date with all the latest developments and are available for further information, interviews, or questions. Contact the Alpine Pearls PR team for further information, to arrange an interview, or with any other enquiries. Thank you for your interest in our press releases.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH
State of natural calamity following the flooding events of 29 and 30 June 2024
Activation of a bank account to collect funds

Please note that as of Friday 5 July, a bank account has been opened for donations to help the people of Cogne affected by the floods on 30 June, details of which are given below.

Thank you for your solidarity.

Municipality of Cogne Flood 2024
Banc: Banca BCC Valdostana
Reason: Offerta pro alluvione Cogne 2024 (Donation for the 2024 flood)
IBAN: IT93R0858731590000000003810