Turn talk into action.

Interested in becoming a Pearl?

If you’re interested in joining Alpine Pearls, your aim is to be one of the best in terms of sustainable tourism while also making a valuable contribution to climate protection. To help the members of Alpine Pearls achieve this goal, we have a roadmap that defines concrete measures for the next five years. Read about which admission conditions and criteria you need to meet before you can join. Of course, you’ll have qualified, dedicated contact and support persons by your side at every stage of the admission process.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH
Would you like to join Alpine Pearls?

The admission process.

The admission process includes admission conditions and criteria that reflect the joint priorities as well as starting points and groundwork for our work as an EGTC. The admission criteria and roadmap enable us to ensure continuity and momentum in the development of the Alpine Pearls.

The Alpine Pearls admission criteria ensure that only destinations that meet the high standards of sustainable tourism become part of the network. These criteria serve as a guideline for the selection of new members and ensure the quality and sustainability of the Alpine Pearls community.

The admission criteria at a glance.

Having eco-friendly mobility options such as well-developed public transport, bicycle infrastructure, and walkability is one of the most important admission criteria. The member regions have to actively work to promote these sustainable modes of transport and make it possible for guests to enjoy a comfortable, environmentally friendly journey.

Another criterion is resource efficiency and the use of renewable energies. Alpine Pearls members undertake to use water, energy, and other resources sustainably. They rely on renewable energies to reduce their environmental impact and ecological footprint.

The member municipalities stand out thanks to the high quality of their range of accommodation and services. This includes environmentally certified accommodation, regional products, and sustainable management of resources. This allows guests to experience authentic, sustainable travel and learn about the local culture and traditions.

Active protection of nature and continual environmental education are other important criteria. The members of Alpine Pearls actively dedicate themselves to the protection of the natural environment and promote the environmental education of their guests. They focus on eco-tourism and sustainable activities that can be implemented and used in a way that protects the environment.

By meeting these admission criteria, you will be contributing to the creation of a sustainable, high-quality range of tourism services in the Alps. You will be taking a stance for environmental awareness, social responsibility, and an authentic travel experience in harmony with nature.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH
State of natural calamity following the flooding events of 29 and 30 June 2024
Activation of a bank account to collect funds

Please note that as of Friday 5 July, a bank account has been opened for donations to help the people of Cogne affected by the floods on 30 June, details of which are given below.

Thank you for your solidarity.

Municipality of Cogne Flood 2024
Banc: Banca BCC Valdostana
Reason: Offerta pro alluvione Cogne 2024 (Donation for the 2024 flood)
IBAN: IT93R0858731590000000003810